


Europa, Europe comes from the Phoenician word EROB.  Europe is regarded as the cradle of Western Civilization and has a lengthy history of human progress. Europe As Defined By Culture. Since there are so many different cultures in Europe, it is challenging to categorise any cultural traditions as European. The numerous historical towns and museums in Europe—many of which are or are UNESCO World Heritage Sites—showcase the continent’s cultural richness. The slogan of the European Union is “together in diversity.” Northern and Western Europe make up the two halves of Europe. In addition to offering you a top-notch education, Europe also helps you become ready for a job abroad. Numerous European nations are home to some of the top-ranked colleges in the world, which has educational advantages. There are several programmes taught in English, and students benefit from an academic atmosphere that is very supportive and multicultural. You may not even be required to pay tuition in some circumstances.

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  • Portugal